Free Range Fresh Farm Eggs…say that three times fast :)
Fresh daily egg collection
Happy birds lay great eggs
We are certified organic on our eggs and poultry. Our birds are a collection of a variety of birds. Red Sexlink, Austrolorp, Barred Rocks, and Americanas, just to name a few. We have brown eggs layers, dark brown egg layers, colored egg layers, and green eggs layers here. Each dozen we offer will be a surprise of color. All eggs will be grade A Large-XL eggs. We raise the birds on our farm. From day one. We offer them a strict organic feed diet. Our birds are allowed to forage in their organic field, that was once woods, to find bugs, worms, greens and whatever their natural foraging tendencies help them find. This ability to roam and forage help deter any behavior issues that may harm the smaller chickens. Fresh water is always available. Our chickens will always be steroid and antibiotic free birds. Eggs are a great source of protein and work in any meal of the day! We offer eggs by the dozen, save $$ with your own cartons!
Healthy eggs start at the begining
We start them young…a full life of nutrition and a healthy environment leads to an overall healthy bird that can help produce nutritious eggs for us, without harming the bird. Chickens will lay eggs naturally…as their farmer we make sure they receive access to all the vitamins and minerals to keep them strong and healthy and to avoid any health concerns. These lovely birds are happy to provide us eggs in exchange for unlimited food, water, shelter, pets, and for some reason….time to play on the tractor. They just love the tractors. Who am I to judge? We provide shade from the SC heat, plants to roost in, and daily attention. We hand raise them in our brooders until safe to explore the outside.
Day old chick taking in the world
We offer a variety of hatching eggs during the year. These are limited depending on the season and variety of bird. Contact us to request emu, turkey, or peafowl hatching eggs.
Free Hatching Eggs for Kids
Free Hatching Eggs for Kids
Kids should learn to farm. It helps them understand how much goes into bringing food to the table. We offer a free chicken hatching eggs for kids program. Learn more by clicking below.