Certified USDA Organic, Free range, Homestead poultry


We are now Certified Organic with our Poultry! We have a limited supply of poultry products raised on our farm. We do mean limited as we keep our numbers small so that each animal has enough pasture room to roam and play about. This gives them the best life possible as well as the healthiest life possible. Our chickens and turkeys spend their days outside doing what birds love to do, scratching and looking for bugs and enjoying the sunshine. They love to search for insects and greens to go along with their soy free, organic grains. This variety of food, the ability to roam around in a natural setting, fresh water, and the sunlight allows for the birds to grow healthier. A healthier bird means healthier meat for our family and yours. Studies have shown that pastured raised birds have less saturated fats, exchanged with polyunsaturated fats that can help lower LDL cholesterol. Pastured birds also have higher levels of protein and collagen. We take much effort to make sure our animals live happy, comfy lives. The grain we feed is from New Country Organics. They create specialty soy free organic feeds to order. This means these birds are fed the best. We get this grained shipped in just for our birds to thrive on. We are a small farm, we need volunteers for processing. If you would like to learn, we offer free training on processing days! Click the button below to sign up to help.


Real seeds, Soy Free, organic feed, Certified Organic

We care for these birds their entire lives. It is what we do. We could go on for days with all that needs to be done to keep our birds in top notch condition, but its safe to say, it is worth it. We start with beautiful stock, and the best feed available. All their lives they will need to eat. What they eat determines how the finished product will taste and be nourishment your family. Simply put, they need a balance of all the necessary amino acids, proteins, and vitamins to grow healthy. Healthy birds do not need any antibiotics or other medications. We believe so strongly in our devotion to growing this birds that we have acquired the rigorous certification of becoming Certified Organic in 2023. That is our guarantee to you.

Certified Organic, Free range and cage free

Chickens love to scratch and play in the dirt. They love chasing bugs, worms, and small frogs. It is in their nature! Birds that are actively engaged in their environment are much less likely to peck at each other and cause harm to each-other. They are provided constant area to find shade, fresh water, and shelter. Over-stressed birds are more likely to become sick. Taking this time to spoil our little birds helps prevent a multitude of complications.

Turkey ORders

We offer whole birds right before Thanksgiving. Due to the birds being very fresh, weights are approximate. We will require a $30 deposit for all birds, not refundable. PLEASE order early, we have a very limited number of birds available. BIrds must be picked up on the farm the day of processing. We will request your desired weight when you place your deposit, we will try to keep near your desired weight. There is no guarantee you will get the exact weight you wanted. We do expect our birds to be on the larger size this year. We do not restrict feed to the birds, they grow as big as they like.

2023 Thanksgiving prices:

up to 18 bird $165

19-24 pounds $180

24 pounds plus $190